Last week I wrote about living with death in mind, and how that can lead us to live a more meaningful and purpose-driven life.
This week I wanna continue this theme with a quote from Seneca:
“Let us postpone nothing. Let us balance life's account every day... One who daily puts the finishing touches to his life is never in want of time.”
I love the first line here: “Let us postpone nothing.”
What are you postponing right now?
What are you putting off until you have more money, or the kids are grown, or work isn’t so busy?
The Stoics would encourage us to pursue those things now.
Why wait, when we have no idea how long we have left?
I’ve heard stories about the person who worked hard their whole life for retirement, only to die just short of the finish line. (Or a few years after).
These people spend their entire life slaving away, hoping to enjoy their golden years, and being cut down before they ever do… nothing is promised.
So whatever you’re postponing… whatever hobby, passion, or interest you have, find a way to pursue it today.
David Deida said it great in his book “The Way of The Superior Man”:
“As of now, spend a minimum of one hour a day doing whatever you are waiting to do until your finances are more secure, or until the children have grown and left home, or until you have finished your obligations and you feel free to do what you really want to do.”
Even if we can’t do the fullest version of our passion, we should pursue it in some capacity.
Maybe you really want to travel, but can’t afford to travel internationally right now… could you start simpler?
How about a day trip to another city? Or a trip to another state.
Or maybe you’re waiting until you can afford a gym membership, or have more time to workout..
What version of that could you work on now?
Maybe buying a few used dumbbells or kettlebells, doing some calisthenics work, or just walking/running around the neighborhood.
You get the point.
Whatever it is you’re putting off, there’s a smaller version of it you can start doing right now, regardless of time or money.
We should postpone nothing.
Not just because we have no idea if “one day” will ever come…
But because we owe it to ourselves to pursue our highest calling, with as many of our precious years as possible.
Thanks for reading,