My daughter and I have a nighttime routine we’ve both grown to love.
Her mom gets her ready — brushes her hair and teeth, gets her pj’s on, etc.
And then my daughter picks a book out.
I come in and guess what book she picked — the game is that I always get it wrong —and then we read together.
Every night. Without fail. This is the routine.
Well one night after we finished reading, my daughter said something to me as I was turning off the lights and leaving the room… that blew my mind.
She likes to ask what I’ll be doing while she’s asleep. Usually I’ll stay up to read, write, or study, which I told her.
And as I was walking out she said “Don’t forget to write your goals”.
… My then four year old daughter reminded ME to write my goals!
She didn’t just pull that from thin air.
She knows I have a notebook next to my work area where I write my goals daily.
But the truth was… I was slacking.
I hadn’t written my goals down in awhile
Sure, I’d put them in a note on my phone, or keep a mental note in my head (neither of which are as effective as a physical list), but when she said that… I immediately knew I had to get back into the habit.
So I did write my goals that night.
(even though I was tired and feeling lazy)
And I wrote my goals down because I know it’s the most effective way to achieve what’s important to me…
But mostly, I wrote them because I was reminded that my daughter is always watching, and I want to set the best example I can.
Every time I get away from writing my goals, I think back to that moment.
Whether you have kids or not, the concept is the same.
The people you love are always watching and drawing inspiration from your actions.
And that night I was reminded that my journey to success doesn’t just affect me, but all those who draw inspiration from me.
Such an amazing life lesson, taught to me by a four year old.
Until next time,
— Josh